Sunday, December 28, 2008

let's call it stupidity...

...but please learn from my mistake. i'm really pissed at what happened to me earlier. after buying a cheap-o mp3 player at cd-r king, just for the sake of having one (coz my cellphone irritates me), my sister found an ad of metro gaisano's sale from december 26-31 at yesterday's (december 26) inquirer frontpage. it featured an ipod nano 4G for only 1499 - from the original price of 1999. that made me regret that i bought a cheap-o player. out of frustration, i told our helper to buy my player for a discounted price since i got a pamasko, which could be added to my fund for a nano, from my ninong. eventually, she had been wanting to have a player, so she got into the bait. ahaha lucky me. after some computation, i found myself having the money to buy the ipod. i pulled my ate to go to the nearest, and only in metro manila, gaisano - in market!market!. she even told my mom and youngest sister, who came from the dentist, to come along. before leaving, my mind was playing with me, suggesting stuffs and doubts on this very good sale. what would i do if it was a fake? my sister asked my kuya what his take was on the sale. he said that it could be the installment price. i was prepared for the latter but not for the fomer. i was thinking of saving just to pay the installment and i think i could even make it (syempre, with the help of my parents... ehehe) upon arrival at the fort, my ate handed out her gift - money. i even rejoiced because i don't have to spend my napamaskuhan. so, after eating at cafe isla, i rushed to metro gaisano. and to my surprise (but not really), i learned that the 4G ipod nano-video was a phony. again, a PHONY, a FAKE, a FRAUD, a F*C*E*. not only that, on the price tag after asking the salesperson(who also looked at the tag), it says 2599 - a price way different on what was written on the ad. i hate them: the metro gaisano. now, i'm thinking of writing to the DTI, Apple and the concerned institution. i'm begging all of you to spread the word on this phony advertising and company who supports fake products. next time, trust your instincts.


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