Tuesday, June 30, 2009

r.i.p. mj

this is my tribute, posting my favorite song. this may not be the best video or this may not have the coolest choreography but, i believe, the best mj song. and i haven't seen him performed this live(as if i have a chance). mj, rest in peace. thank you for the music that you brought and that has influenced others.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

super random shit

i don't know what to write right now. just let me talk endlessly til i find myself getting a topic. hearing stars' song entitled 'personal' got me into 'my mood.' i don't know how to put this feeling exactly but it's feeling really empty, you seem to be restless and you want to do something that would make you feel that you're going somewhere. hmm. i think blogging is not the solution, coz this post is totally pointless, unless i make some efforts. however, the sound of rain and cool wind blowing from the window would leave you staring outside (though i don't have a good view outside). could posting a pointless/directionless blog lead me somewhere? i really wanna be serious with all the things i'm doing but i don't look like that i wanna be. i just noticed that what i have been contradicting what i have been saying. am i crazy or what? help. again, i call for help but i reject the hand reaching out for me. or maybe i am in a delirious state that i don't actually see a hand. who knows? coz i don't even know a thing right now. phoenix - love for granted is playing right now. what do i wanna do with the song? try my very best to relate with the song and feel like a crap afterward? i wanna get over with this feeling but something's pulling me back. it's my unfinished business. whoa. did i just call it a business? yes, i did. crap. i'm too coward to face it or maybe there's just no way to get of it. damn. i still don't know what i've been saying. this is not helping. hello. hello. do i feel really cool right now? i'm fine with this.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

on blogging.

and again, i made some changes. i do hope you notice them, again. hmm... i'm trying to understand the language of blog templates, so if ever you know a lot, please, share thy knowledge. i want to change the background picture but i don't know what to put and what template would fit the picture/art that i would be putting. ============================================ staying at here at home bores me to death but thanks to blogs, they made my stay here more enjoyable.