Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy holidays

merry christmas and happy new year, dear readers (na hanggang ngayon pinagduduhan ko kung may nagbabasa man talaga).

i am going to reward this blog for sticking with me for five years. and what would that be?

of course, a new blog. (sabog na nito shit.) hahaha

i'm really close to accomplishing it. i made a new email for it. i have the topics in mind. but the greatest problem is what should i name it. i need help. probably, i'd "launch" it next year.

Happy holidays, people. get fat. but don't burn the holiday fats.

Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

a new blog

i'm actually thinking of making a new blog. this time it would be, i guess, better for the simple reason that the topics are limited - unlike this one, very random and personal.

i'm thinking of making a blog about recent economic news(and my take on them)+music+art+random cool stuff. it's like going to stumbleupon+swiss-miss+the cool hunter+the economist (okay, feeling). i guess the economic part's kinda off. but i just wanna practice what i've been learning in my (under)graduate studies. about the others, i've been digging on them lately.

or let's just say that this blog would be very cool. and serious too.

however, there are constraints. with my really really light load, this would be a hassle. plus, the topics are kinda sabog - like i don't know who's my target market. and what would this blog actually be for? hmm. help help help

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas na lang.

first of all, merry christmas to all of you(which i hope there's someone out there who's reading this).

second, i just wanted to say that this is (for lack of a better term) worst christmas. ever since the media started counting down last september, i've felt that this is not the christmas that i've been waiting for - unlike when i was a kid. so many things has happened this year. from natural to personal calamities. though yesterday, which usually is the highlight of the holiday, should be fun, it turned out to be bad. as much as i want to share it all to you(my hypothetical reader), i just would like to summarize it into a "crappy day" coz' things didn't turn out the way it should be.

okay, enough with the rant. or maybe not.

christmas should always be about celebrating His existence here on earth and how He saved us all. yes, i know that it should really be the case. but because of my hedonistic ways (or the way i thought of things as i grew up), that does not carry much of my sentiments towards christmas.

christmas, for me, is a time for (my) family to bond. starting from the yearly eve merienda/cena 'til the noche buena at midnight to the waking up at breakfast of the eve's leftover food. but as years pass by, i think, though the quantity of the chances of getting it into reality is constantly increasing, its quality diminishes by the same amount (and i hope you'd get my economic analogy). i suddenly felt that the opportunity cost's been increasing rapidly and no one has noticed it yet (i.e., to post and say it out loud in a blog) except for me (welcome to egocentric arjay).

or maybe, i can safely say that we're in the critical stage of production (of making every christmas genuinely happy). i mean, just a step forward, we're going to experience diminishing marginal returns - that as we make more efforts to achieve it, happiness in return decreases. and i don't want this to happen. yeah, i know what you're probably thinking right now. maybe i am in denial.

seriously, enough with the rants.

all i wanted to say is that i wish i could still feel (yep, i know christmas isn't just about feeling it) the same way sentiments back in days - when i would be happy during christmas not only due to opening of gifts but by opening myself to my family and by learning more things from them.

i guess that would do for my christmas post. merry christmas na lang.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i should be happy. yeah, i think i am. physically i guess.
but something's wrong. this should not be happening, right now.
should i like it? that i don't know.