Thursday, March 17, 2005

i found a new one

a week ago, the votes were cast and the winners stood above from the losers. unfortunately, i was a loser. after not going to class for a week, spending hours on your campaign materials, wasting your time and saliva to people not listening to you and seeing them sleepy on your talk, shocked after hearing useless and irrelevant questions. you will then lose in the elections. how sad... but it was ok. i knew it all along. she was deserving to win the position. maybe it was not really for me. i have been trying to get a position in our student council but i still haven't. i meant to watch them to do their stuff. and not to mention, criticize them.(joke!!! peace out!!!) i realize from this unfortunate event that people trusted me. eighty-five of our batch. i would like to thank them. also those who abstained. i appreciated your effort thinking of me. and also who took their time in thinking between me and my opponent though they chose her over me. thanks. but what i really realized is that i knew who my friends really are. those who trusted me. and she exemplified it well(now i'm pertaining to another she, more special she). it really made my heart feel the warmth of your trust. and until now, i'm still feeling it. i just want to thank you for the efforts you have made. for three days, you have missed your voice just to go to every room and do your thing. i'm hoping it was for real but i do believe it was. thanks for showing me your support. having it is like getting the sympathy of my batch. you were also there to cheer me up when i knew the saddest aftermath. your tap, though it hurts, is like the gentlest touch i have recieved when i really needed it. spending that moment with you was like, awwwwwww... and i can't find words but to say, awwwwwww... this is (and not was coz this one is a general truth) one of my happiest moment. it occupied so much in my mind. though i lost the battle, i was still there not raising the white flag but standing up with much honor only to realize... i found a new one and i found it in you.


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