Monday, March 19, 2007


have you ever experienced meeting someone whom you want to talk to? but at first, he/she will give you a cold shoulder so you'd end up not liking him/her. then, to your surprise, he/she would approach you first. it's really weird right? i just met someone who acted like that. he was a volunteer in teaching us the basics in photography for pathway's youth conference. i really felt weird when i was asking him some questions because it seemed that he wouldn't answer them. i was really surprised when he was the first to share some of his experiences. to my greatest surprise, he let me use his Nikon D100. damn, it was one of the best in my life. using D100 is so cool. i know its kinda old, but it was my first time to use a digital slr. trying sony alpha is not counted, okay? obviously, i couldn't make a good review on my first experience. luckily, i made some good shots. is it me or the camera? hmm... let me ponder on it first. anyway, i really really like my experience. on my way home, i was thinking of having my own d-slr. now, i'm so desperate in having one though it's too far from reality.

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