Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a bad 07-07-07 for me

last saturday, i attended a surprise party for a granny whom i really don't know. i was just somehow forced by my family to attend. yah, well, i attended the party freely 'cause it was at island cove, cavite. my first reason attending the party is to maybe go around the place and reminisce my first year high school field trip. unfortunately, i wasn't able to do so 'cause it was raining. too bad i didn't get the chance to play with the big chess set or go to the billiards hall where i go to video ben's ball jumping from a wrong shot. also, i attended the party so i could meet some of my distant relatives. if i'm not mistaken, the kids or the adolescents there were my third cousins. i never knew that i had cousins who play violin and a high school for the arts scholar. what i just wanna point out from that party is that i feared to experience the feeling of the celebrant's siblings. they weren't even recognized during the party - maybe during the introduction of the families per table. the celebrant's children planned on surprise party where half of her siblings who were from abroad came back to greet and be with her on her 75th birthday. her children made some very good presentations: her granddaughters playing and singing their stuffs, grandsons dancing, and local celebrities greeting her on a special avp. however, they forget to mention her siblings. they had no part in the surprise. i was assuming because of their difference in status. she had children out of the country providing her a good life whereas her siblings don't have those kind of children. from this experience, i thought that if my children would do the same thing, man, i would feel bad. or much worse, when my brothers and sisters' children would fail to include us in doing presentations like in a special event. they would just make me not part of the family - just like what the celebrants' family did.

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