Tuesday, July 10, 2007

when everyday is sunday

"sound? what kind of sound?" i am always ready with this question when i'm pertaining to the band sound. a simple name for a band who plays complicated sounding yet soothing songs. the sound of sound may be comparable to that of kala because they both resemble the manila sound-like feel: rhythmic guitars, groovy beats and ear-catching keyboards. the vocalist seems to sing with honesty, like you get what you listen to. (aha! stupid-sounding remark. just can't explain myself) or maybe, i just wanna say that his voice is so soothing. i first got the chance to listen to them through their cover of APO's di na natuto. from this version, i got to love the song 'cause they got the closest sound to APO's song yet it has the feel of difference of the time when the song was made. i never got tired of listening to blue monsoon, the name of the album too. it has a very good introduction which would really capture you. it also has good lyrics. listening to it intently gives you a clear image of what a rainy day is. the same also goes with madaling araw. however, there are also songs which would bore you. or maybe, all you need is appreciation. "when we're through, running from the lies when we're through, swimming for the sunrise there'll be music and sound." -blue, sound


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