Wednesday, February 27, 2008

mi cumpleaƱos ES MUY BIEN y FELIZ

i really had a blast celebrating my birthday. it actually started yesterday when we had a dinner at home. it's not a big time dinner when i get to invite my high school friends. it was rather an intimate dinner but it was still fun. what i love about it is i get to eat my ultimate favorite sea(or freshwater) food - the really pink, tastes like ham salmon. i just hope my father was there when we were eating. as a birthday boy, i get to tease everyone. haha. then, i never thought waking up with a greeting from ros. and oh, it was jv who greeted me first. it was just another breakfast at home. but i started my day right with having a headache from last dinner's leftover - crispy pata. what i just don't like about my day is having to ride the really hot fx from concepcion to ortigas. it was a really living hell. i could hardly breathe and i felt my back which was really wet. however, i was relieved coz bl and nel had a mini-fight which was a delight and entertainment to me. ehehe the aw-clan, as victor and gio would call our barkada, had a lunch at mpc. thank god, that the math long test was moved to thursday. i never thought that the surprise was in the works when we were eating the spaghetti my mom prepared. while i was watching my pe classmates play futsal, julo called asking if i had the readings for spanish. then a few minutes after, bl and nel came from a place that i don't know. despues, i received a text from ms. keith that she wants to talk to me regarding some complains from student. i said to myself "OK, what have i done? i'll just use this opportunity to have a record/offense on my birthday." BUT as ms.keith opened his closed and dark room (without the use of keys, something unusual), i was surprised to see the aw clan there with a cake. it even has my face drawn on the icing. man, i really thought i would have a record. i really believed that the complain thing was true because the student whom i thought was the victim was actually at the guidance office. basta, sobrang kinabahan ako. all i can say is good one nel. thanks too. also, at spanish class, my professor handed to me a large folder with greeting from my college friends. galing! and at the middle of writing this post,i received from my tita the formal clothes i've been dying to have. they're not really fancy, but i just really like it. so, i say THANK YOU to
  1. God
  2. Parents. mama and papa
  3. siblings. ate, kuya, earl, lea
  4. High school friends who greeted me... jen, casey, finney, gelo, issa, etc...
  5. College friends. too many to mention eh... haha
  6. the aw clan. gio, fel, lorb, ros, martha, nel, bl, miggy, sandra, rjude



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