Thursday, February 14, 2008

coz i had a bad day

walking is a like a living hell for me. i'm having a hard time walking because i sprained my leg yesterday. i just hope that my mother will buy me the medication prescribed by the doctor. so, in a few hours, i would be wearing an ankle brace and would be walking with crutches. hay. what happened yesterday is one of my worst days in the university. first of all, i didn't get to play that much during our pe class. it's because we had the shuttle run which consumed almost half of the class's time. then, our class played against the women's futsal team. also, the all of our classmates should be able to play and that means that my playing time would be cut to half. so i know call the non-p.e. players "the leeches." these leeches are one of the most inconsiderate peoples living here on earth. they get to play for free while our class would be paying the court and the equipments. even though they have alloted time for their practice, they still insist to play - courtesy of our very nice coach (do you smell sarcasm here?) so i'm really wondering why do they have to insist on playing during our time? out of not burning enough calories, i decided to play basketball right after futsal. hoping that i could sweat more from playing basketball, i instead had my ankle sprained after stepping on kris's foot. i think i heard three cracks, which made me feel that i had a really bad injury. i had sprained my ankle before and they say i should stomp it, but in this case i really can't. i could barely walk going to our house. so there, despite enjoying the i came, i sang, i-mic, i had to endure all the pain. don't worry, i'm going to post some of the pictures i have taken yesterday.

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