Wednesday, December 19, 2007

inenkantong kahariaan

i want to thank nel for treating us at enchanted kingdom last december 17. it was my first time to go there. i really had fun specially at anchors away. ehehe. at first i was kinda hesitant to ride but in the end, i enjoyed riding it. courtesy of rjude's concept of looking upwards to counter the dizziness, i even enjoyed it more. i lost my voice from shouting, was it abnormal or what? (oh stupid me.) but the best experience perhaps is the bump cars. or BAMCARS. the cars have turned us into awful bamcar zombies - craving for more bamcars every time our rides' are over. we started with the bump cars and ended with the bump cars. i even bruised my knee from the head collisions i was getting coz i wouldn't fit in the car. i was just wondering if the space shuttle were open, would i ride on it? ehehe... basta, i really had fun. alotta fun!

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