Thursday, March 20, 2008

hi kari byron

now i wish to elaborate why i like the tv hotties i mentioned in my post during my birthday. kari byron of mythbusters. she maybe a typical american girl but,i just think that she's the smartest girl on tv today, besides oprah, ellen, tyra banks and paris hilton (duh?!) ehehe i'm not a big fan of american women with radically dyed hair. but she just made me one. ehehe not only that, she's funny during the show. simply put, i just find her cute, smart and hot. i think, the picture would be enough to explain why i like her. i can't find a picture from the episode when i started liking her. ehehe. are there any kari byron fans club?

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noyping laro

last week we first talked about playing filipino games, such as patintero, tumbang preso, agawan base, etc. we thought of limiting the game to our group. it was actually a joke which started from sharing childhood experiences and getting tired from all the usual foreign games. last monday, we started to make the plan a concrete thing. bl reserved the court from 3-5pm so that the court would be exclusively ours, and to avoid chances of having some confrontations with the greedy court users. then, the moment arrived. 3pm. lor, nel, bl, miggy, victor and i waited for the others to come but for 30 or more, there were no signs of the other players. so i just decided to play basketball first while impatiently waiting for them. nel could sense that i was having bv (bad vibes). past 3:30pm. we started setting up the lines for patintero using masking tape, provided by martha. it was a good thing that there were lines for volleyball, so we didn't have a hard time putting the lines. i really thought that we would be playing patintero first. we divided the group, which included some people who played futsal before us. because the number of players was too large for patintero, we decided to play agawan base. the game was really intense, and tiring too. everyone on the mpc watched the games intently as if it were basketball or futsal. or maybe they were just amazed that some people would be playing those close-to-becoming-extinct games. after agawan base, we played patintero. there were some discrepancies in the rules and people got tired because of the agawan base, so we ended up playing another game. we, then, engaged into playing some really tiring games, two kinds of habulan: namely, habulan-tulungan and ice-water. we played it for around 15 minutes. but we all ended up playing basketball. victor couldn't believe that lor could play well. i don't know who won but we all enjoyed playing yesterday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


this is my 300th post. i really don't know what to say on this historic post. so let's proceed to the next post. ehehe

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


the moment, that i was waiting for since March 13 2004, FINALLY ARRIVED!!! INCUBUS went back to Manila. and they really fulfilled their promise that they would return. it's the craziest concert they i've been to. i still feel the goosebumps every time i try to remember what happened yesterday. although i sat only at upper box b, i enjoyed my view. i know it's far but they're bigger this time. i enjoyed the company of benedict, pau, marcel, cousin of ben and pau, and robert. they sang around 15 songs; four more than ne-yo's. after five of their songs, i ran out of voice right away. and i had a hard time singing along with the crowd. but they can't do something with the way how i became wild that night. whew, what a stress reliever. the best! brandon, take it off! take it off!


Sunday, March 02, 2008

can't wait to have a reunion with my high school barkada. ehehe