Tuesday, March 11, 2008


the moment, that i was waiting for since March 13 2004, FINALLY ARRIVED!!! INCUBUS went back to Manila. and they really fulfilled their promise that they would return. it's the craziest concert they i've been to. i still feel the goosebumps every time i try to remember what happened yesterday. although i sat only at upper box b, i enjoyed my view. i know it's far but they're bigger this time. i enjoyed the company of benedict, pau, marcel, cousin of ben and pau, and robert. they sang around 15 songs; four more than ne-yo's. after five of their songs, i ran out of voice right away. and i had a hard time singing along with the crowd. but they can't do something with the way how i became wild that night. whew, what a stress reliever. the best! brandon, take it off! take it off!



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