Thursday, February 28, 2008


i had fun dissecting a frog for biology laboratory class. i know it might be weird to tell you that i never experienced it when i was in high school even though i came from a science high school. we didn't have enough budget for it, that's why we have to dissect by groups.

anyway, i thought that i would freak out when i got my frog. but, NO! i didn't. even though i didn't listen to our lab prof, i tried to remember how my groupmates did it, which i did clearly. i just sought for assistance from my classmates on to cut the skin, but i know where to cut it. ehehe

so here's my dissected frog:
he looks really nice right? ehehe he just have to suffer a little from bleeding.


Blogger Karma said...

omg, i dissected a sardine and a squid before, but never a frog. I am not sure if I want to. I think that your dissected from looks really cool and interesting, but my animal-loving side begs to differ. Anyways, so cool!

9:52 AM

Blogger Karma said...

okay! So I am commenting again because I saw your profile, and it says that you are from the Philippines! Super cool! I was born there! I just had to share that! Sorry.

9:54 AM


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