Friday, September 19, 2008

hello friday

hello, friday. now, i got i wanted. am i even happy with it? that, i dunno... before i left our house, which was quite early for my 9am class, i was able to prepare my things. laptop, for cramming the SEA paper - check! clothes, for playing basketball - check! toiletries, for my post-game shower - check! jacket, just in case that it would rain today/tonight - check! so there, how was my day, my friday? as i reached school, i found no one. so i went to our spot, the mpc. and still, my friends weren't there but a girl was practicing shooting hoops, for p.e. i think. i just said to myself, hmm... a sign - i'm gonna play later! for the record, this was the first time that i would be playing since the iep sportsfest. fortunately, gio saw me sitting alone and became my company which was followed by rjude and our video for political thought. nel and bl followed, telling me that they went to mcdo for breakfast with ros. few minutes after, we went to class. while listening to mr. paras, i tried doing my contribution for SEA but i still wasn't able to finish it. i know, i have been really lazy finishing it but for some weird reason, i couldn't produce a thing. i have read my part several times but i still can't write. what is happening to me, dear?! it's good that i brought our laptop and i got to advance, a little bit though. after pol.thought, i stayed for a while at mpc, again. but now with my friends, who call our group "happy true friend" - no offence, but how gay can you get. ahaha. anyway, miggy and i were discussing some business coz' he too has plans on having one. maybe he could join our(victor and i) plan to set up after school. when pongki (a name i'm not really used to calling sandra) came, she just invited us to eat for lunch and to have some siomai from red ninja. but as we were on our way out, we met dennis who was insisting on having jollibee. though we decided to split up (miggy and pongki going to have siomai and dennis and i to jollibee), it seemed that pongki, who really wanted to have some siomai went with us. also, it was my first time in months to grab some food at jabee. we already noticed, before leaving mpc for lunch, that the mike's (p and r) of seb were setting up. and it was for the wncaa video jock hunt. too bad i wasn't able to watch it fully coz i had calculus during lunch time. calculus? blah blah blah... then, consultation for macro paper. blah blah blah... then hmm... before dr. u arrived, i was playing mortal kombat 4, application courtesy of rjude, which i still played for a while. but after realizing that it was a major subject, i closed the laptop lid and got my notes instead. luisa sat beside me today (am i writing like the tj hotdog kid circa mid-90) and she became my partner in understanding the partial differentiation. i know it would bore you to know what partial differentiation is. we had a quiz on that topic, i just i hope i got it right. after class, i got my clothes inside our locker then went straight to mpc. there i spotted some people playing basketball. and i saw bl playing - that bastard, missed two quizzes already because of going out for campaigning (con-con elections) then heading to mpc to play. but i don't regret attending dr. u's class coz' i learned and the lesson's really difficult to understand. when i saw the women's futsal team prepping up for their practice, i got frustrated coz' seeing them at mpc means that you don't have a chance to play coz they (or anyone who is playing and a hardcore futsal fan) rules mpc. but bg said that their practice would be for a short time only and i saw some hope when i saw coach cabotage readying for bball. so i decided to change my clothes. then i played basketball. basketball. so-so game. it's my first time in months, sorry!!! when i checked my toiletries, i forgot that i had no deodorant. like my ritual when i forgot something, i passed by the gate at the back then go to ministop to grab something. and i'm wearing my sweaty jersey. eww, i know. but which is disgusting walking for a longer walk without deo or short walk with sweaty jersey (which maybe more understandable)? but i hink the former. pongki, jan tuason, lestra, ros, bl and nel went to mcdo after bl had a shower. they had dinner. i was late coz i don't wanna rush changing clothes coz it would only make me sweat more. but as i got to mcdonald's bl had to take nel home and pongki's going with them. so, lestra, ros, jan and i had a little bonding time. when jan left, ros's ride was here too. so, les and ros left me here in mcdonald's alone. actually, it's because i have to wait for the rain to stop. rain's really falling hard. i'm really glad that i brought this laptop. thus, this very very long post. (another first in months). ehehe

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

how are you?