Tuesday, July 07, 2009

oohhh... 400th post

wow, 400th post. congrats to me.

hmm... i, as ususal, don't know what to say. but let me start by saying that i'm starting to like iep, just now. there's an overflow of values to learn. industrial analysis, micro, macro/finance, math stat, work soc. but there's "discipline, dedication and determination" also - my prof must have encapsulated it well.

entering into the fourth year made me realize some more important things. life towards graduation. life after graduation. another degree? law school? career? this made me feel like a clear example of what my prof's been telling us: we're too young (or perhaps, immature) to go to the graduate school. a little boy trapped in a man's environment (because some institution made us so), so helpless to get out.

i have been really thinking of getting another degree, but that doesn't mean imma shift to another course. after iep siguro.

on my solitary trips to and from school, i have been trying to philosophize my life. i wanna clearly describe my life into one phrase or fragment or sentence that could really make go "oohh, how profound! i never thought this kid would have thought of it!" haha. impossible, really impossible. this pagpipilit only makes me regret the things i should have done, remember all of my mistakes (and also my happy moments), etc. but i'm actually loving it. ehehe

so there, i tried talking out loud(on my blog). congrats to me.



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