Thursday, May 28, 2009


i sometimes envy my high school friends. every time i'm with them, i don't feel like i've been wasting my time hearing really sabaw jokes. it's not that it's a waste time, coz by this age, we should be talking about really serious stuff, like politics, economy, etc, shouldn't we? anyway, their stories are really funny; they just make fun of anyone or anything that would tickle their funny bones. i sometimes compare what is happening to me with my college barkada and high school barkada. one thing that i've noticed is that there are no dramas with the latter. sabaw lang talaga or purong kagaguhan. i think that it is either when i was in high school, i hid my "dramatic" side and tried to pretend that everything is alright though it's not or now in college, i've become too sensitive to what is happening around me. as for the latter, i tried to meddle with the things and to fix - as if i'm actually involved and as if i could. actually, i've noticed a similarity. i've been stuck with them, both hs friends and college friends, really well. and it made parting ways a really fugly bitch. i'm actually having a hard time coping with the fact that we were heading to different courses. i know that school's really small but the tight schedule would lessen the time (especially the lunches, since it has really special for me) that we get to spend with each other. hay, i really don't know why i end up writing this kind of post. is it because i got to see a long lost hs friend? or washing the dishes reminded me of my hs friends' tasks at their apartment? or i'm tired of becoming a homeboy and i don't want to work? ewan ewan... shout-outs to my high school barkada: ben, emong, finney, casey, carlo and michael. shout outs to my college barkada: nel, bl, phongkei, miggy, lor, fel, ros, les, victor, dennis, bam, and gio.

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