Tuesday, April 28, 2009

rain (that is not korean)

many people might disagree with me but i must say that i love rainy season. most of the people are complaining about the recent constant sudden changes in weather. they say it's a hassle coz on your way to school or work or somewhere else with your summer clothing on, you'd be surprised to feel the rain starting to pour. either you have an umbrella or you have a jacket that can make you feel cool. but for me, i'm starting to like this weather. one, it's cooler if it rains something that i need coz we're deprived of an air-con unit here at home. two, it helps me save coz i don't have to buy water on my way to school. three, i love following a dripping water on the car's windshield or windows. lastly, my reflective state is at its finest every time it rains. i just wish that the philippines would experience, for a day or a month, a winter season. ehehe and since we've been talking about rain, here's another (rain-ny) video to enjoy:

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