Friday, June 10, 2005

farewell to my last ani experience(delayed)

oh!!! i'm back!!! alive... and kickin... when was the last time i wrote here? uhmm... think, it's the 21st of may. i've missed this. writing and stuff. so many days passed. weeks, even.
we had our ani exams. grammar was not that difficult. but physics. omg! it drained my brain so much, luckily, it was kuya raffy's birthday and ate cza gave him a surprise party. ahh, refreshing. on the contrary, math was also kinda easy. but a problem was so difficult, at first. thanks to kuya anton he gave me a hint and almost the answer.
ani oscars. after the math exams, we headed to escaler to have the oscars. as usual, a winner rose and stood out. and it's in the persona of whiz kid, crush ng bayan, physics god eumir alexis angeles. unfortunately, we weren't able to get the prestigious best play but we had the best commedienne and actor/actress.
sportsfest. it was about to start the first basketball game when i arrived. the good thing was we won our first game. thanks to our coach ate mitzi!!!ü but we lost our 2nd game to 3n. i have to admit they were good for it was only me who only knew how to play ball. the worse thing that happened was my ankle was sprained when i missed my footback but i and my team were able to manage (specially my hurt ankle, and it still hurts) and we had 2 straight wins. and we even reached the semis but we lost it. it was one of the best games i played. the crowd was attracted to the game and it looked like it was the finals. seeing the people acting so unruly was the best cheer i received in my life. and then i played for the all-stars. and it's my sixth straight game with 15 mins of rest before each game.
graduation. i don't know what to say or even feel. it's over and there's the feeling of relief but i have to miss my classmates for a week and most specially my mentors. kudos to them!!! shoutouts to: kuya uri & ate miko,homeroom; ate bianca & ate tish, english gram; kuya barwin & kuya czar, english lit; kuya anton & kuya clark, adv. math; ate cza & kuya raffy, reg. math; kuya edward, cl; kuya patrick, physics; ate mitzi & kuya chinkin, enrichment; kuya allan; ate reese and your chuga kuya jansen, my mentor;ate isay & ate colleen, 3i advisers, and all ani volunteers not mentioned. thanks to all of you, it was one my most memorable ani experience.
reminisce. thank you to: ate mitzi, and the knowledge you shared to us. kuya chinkin, thanks for sharing me your knowledge on your expertise, photography. you inspired me a lot. kuya barwin, thanks coz you are always around us. thanks for coaching us in our basketball games and sorry coz sometimes i don't follow them. thank you when you were there when we went to sta.lucia and even had your speech outside the mall. ate reese, thank you coz i learned a dance. i was hesitant at first coz i really find it very stupid and silly but it's ok, it's for our very conservative enrichment sit-in. kuya allan, for your boing-boing and other jokes. thank you very much to our adviser who even looked like our classmate, ate miko. thank you for your time and your words about ateneo and lovelife, i guess. i enjoyed my time with you and i do hope you did. and i promise the next time we meet, i'll share you everything. just one more thing, honestly, you looked like my crush in 2nd year when you had your long hair. ehehe ü
my mind's full of thoughts but i can't even handle them. so i guess i have to end this.
thank you to everyone. my classmates and all volunteers. i learned so much from you. not only in academics and even how to live life. i even discovered so many things by hanging out with you. truly, this is my best(coz all of them are) and wonderful ani experience. it's so worthy. ü


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're most welcome dude. I just found this entry of yours now. Ingats!

8:49 AM


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