Saturday, January 21, 2006

i cant think of any title

damn, i'm listening to backstreet boys. this is my way of giving them tribute, playing their songs all day - actually, night. the problem is i only have two songs on my playlist. Quit Playing Games with My Heart and All I Have to Give. and you'd better check the last played songs here in our winamp. it's so good to listen to them; it reminds me of my childhood. FYI: i used to be a hardcore backstreet boys fan. this is also my way of forgetting the troubles i would be facing during the upcoming science camp. the biggest problem of them all is on the bus, i'm not with my classmates!!! shit. hah. finney and i would be loners. and we're having a hard time getting our rooms. our supposed room is pending. i still wonder if this year's camp would be amazing?

Friday, January 20, 2006

i cant think of any title

damn, i'm listening to backstreet boys. this is my way of giving them tribute, playing their songs all day - actually, night. the problem is i only have two songs on my playlist. Quit Playing Games with My Heart and All I Have to Give. and you'd better check the last played songs here in our winamp. it's so good to listen to them; it reminds me of my childhood. FYI: i used to be a hardcore backstreet boys fan. this is also my way of forgetting the troubles i would be facing during the upcoming science camp. the biggest problem of them all is on the bus, i'm not with my classmates!!! shit. hah. finney and i would be loners. and we're having a hard time getting our rooms. our supposed room is pending. i still wonder if this year's camp would be amazing?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

puro ako hangin

it's been a long time since my last post. ha, and guess what?!! a dream come true, i passed the ATENEO COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST!!!! i do really want to take up my tertiary level of education at any of the loyola school. ha, what an achievement! congrats to myself.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

feeling blue or being blue?

i now am feeling what they had felt before. tapping my hands to the beat (still, i think if it's in the drumline) of higher, think not of creed but soapdish. this is my way not by frank, nor by usher, to forget all of my worries. and since when nervousness became a worry? for some time, i am taking out and in this piece (earphones) off my ears. i am waiting for something not for someone. 9:51 pm. i know, starstruck on the boob tube. expecting for my object of admiration? yes, the three lettered girl. actually, the one that i've been waiting for the result. the evaluation. the outcome. would it be terrible? would i pass? would i flunk? is it my school? is it not my school? the school i've been dreaming. a vision that is on my vision. the feeling sucks. the keys on the board are wet. the knees are trembling as the heart pumps like a well needed in a thousand fire-drowned shanties. the answer to all of these is not love but crap. crap it out. and write it out. write. write. write like your crapping out.

let this so-called hope light your way

tomorrow's gonna be day. i'm really nervous. this news startled me early in the morning. two of my friends told me that tomorrow's gonna be day when the acet results would be out. the whole day i've been thinking about it. after the exam, i have been so excited knowing the result. for your information, this is my dream school, sorry ma and pa. i don't see myself studying there but i want to see myself studying in the ateneo. i've been hoping for the last four months for this dreadful day to know if it would be a frustration or not. my hands are clasped as my fingers are tightly crossed. but whatever happens, ad majorem dei gloriam.

Friday, January 06, 2006

trying it out

the 75th post on this blog waits. he wonders like the child reading a science book (a book whose errors reach not a hundred plus). and as the fingers touched the keys where no letter is present at all, the brain thought of nothing but to look left. to look right. suddenly, typing became the preoccupation of those lovely filthy fingers. (look at those dirt in the nails.) motivation spurred into the hands. on an idiot box who is so foolish to fool us around, i saw this short-haired chick. and all i want to say all the time is chick. chick. chick. and uhuh. uhuh. uhuh. just like how beavis and butt-head do. tears came no crawling. instead, saliva which showed no lust but pure of affection on a girl named iwa.

kudos to a human(maybe not) gelo

today is the second day of classes. i've grown tired or shall i say, inspired. not because of her, but because of him. speak me not of a gay, i'll tell you this in a straight way. inspired i am, of angelo v. suarez. i just want to thank him. he just opened me a world where i am most inspired. this writer, of past and present, a memory and pride of ust, has this very special and eccentric talent and inspired he is or is it because i just fantasize having a great knowledge of words and talent and is talent instead. inspired? did i just make a copy of him?