Thursday, September 28, 2006

my future business

after finishing my tertiary level of education, i'm planning to set-up a business. this business is different from all the business my friends are planning. it's not related to restaurants, malls, convinience stores, loading center and many more. it's an extra talent agency. actually, it's a talent agency for extras used on soaps or films. very frequently, workshops on acting like a real extra are given for them to develop the skills. this will hone their skills to avoid the common mistakes extras usually do. it is for the reason that extras deliver their lines badly. they speak as if they're reading the script. their workshop is for competitiveness. i want to send them abroad as extras on hollywood films. someday, filipino extras will be seen on movies of spielberg, watchowski bros. (spell check please) and cuaron. then, the brown color would soon replace the stereotypes of black. after that, discrimination on brown people would give rise to documentaries showing the brown culture. sooner or later, brown people or pinoys would be on top. labo na nito. dapat nang tigilan.


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