Saturday, July 28, 2007

what a great friday to end a hell week! i only had one class yesterday which was theology 102. i knew that i don't have basketball and literature but i wasn't expecting to have a free cut on filipino. we could have stayed longer at the venue because rashmi (birthday girl - happy birthday rashmi!!! compleaƱos feliz!!!) treated us a lunch. we were rushing so we wouldn't be late for class but as we went up the stairs, our classmates told us the good news. we then found ourselves to completing my wish... to watch simpsons the movie. man, it's the one of the best animated films i have seen. i really can't remember so many funny lines 'coz i think you'd laugh at almost all of the lines. i was laughing from the start 'til the end of the movie. it's a good thing i was able to watch this because i'm still regretting that i have seen harry potter movie - waste of time and money. i just do hope simpsons the movie made someone from our group become merry and forget her problems...even just for an hour and a half. i may sound like a groupie but i just can't hide this feeling: man, i was able to ride a honda s2000! it's a really wonderful experience riding on a very very low two-seater sports car. it really catches attention especially when its top is down. i got to see the same looks when i stare at some luxurious cars. so that's the feeling... anyways, thanks to jose. i had also a wonderful time hanging out with elo's peers. they're so cool and funny. and i will never forget the time when they're connecting songs. the next time they're at our place, i'm gonna tour them with my 22" rims (pertaining to our bike... sorry ah, hindi s2000, pajero evo)

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