Monday, August 20, 2007

bad weather

i just found more reasons to hate egay, the supertyphoon. to summarize it all, all of my lakads were canceled. 1. yesterday, we should be going to metrowalk for fel and bl's birthday bash. i was really excited to sing. yeah, i don't mind the food that we should be eating. i have been clamoring to sing reasons by earth, wind and fire as my first song because the last time we went to do ktv-ing, i could barely sing it. man, it's one of my favorite songs. plus, i wasn't able to hang-out with my blockmates on a friday night. i think, the celebration was moved to monday. i just hope all would come despite that its the day before the class kicks in again. 2. i should be going to school today to return the overdue books. i was expecting for ched not to suspend classes today so i won't be paying much because of the books. i just hope they would not count the suspended days. 3. to kill the boredom of this very long weekend, i thought of watching ros's game. it's not that their games are here to kill boredom. it's just that i have been planning to do that so i could practice shooting for basketball (i mean, photography) and also to see the women's basketball team in action - i have seen them before but the game was a sure thing for the dragons. and again, the game was canceled. 4. another celebration was canceled too. this time, it's victor's birthday. i thought i was going to hangout with elo's peers again because they're so fun to be with. i also wanna see victor getting drunk. i know this post is so lame. many filipinos are suffering right now because their houses are flooded. some filipinos are getting sick. and all i'm raving on right now are the canceled lakads - too selfish of me...



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