Monday, September 24, 2007

a round-up

i went to st.scholastica college manila to watch wncaa. it was the women's basketball team's last game. too bad, they lost again. they had a standing of a win to five loses. after watching all their games, they all ended up losing the game. does that mean i'm a bad luck to the team? hope not. today's game was the closest. they should have won, only if they had maintained the two point lead, courtesy of camille's trey, in the final minute. it was actually the penalty which killed the team - it gave the opposing team chance to tie up and regain the lead. losing by three points isn't as bad as losing to a double-digit margin with a really irritating hot-headed coach. from the last two games, i can say that the team was more comfortable and relaxed than before. it's because much of the pressure was taken off. i guess, they know what i mean. i'd be uploading some pictures in the near future. my apologies to krizy because i wasn't able to produce some good shots of st.scho. i was too shy that i shoot pictures from the waist.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

i have posted my filipino poems. for filipino subject, obviously in filipino language.

last thursday and friday

for two consecutive nights, i was with jen... last thursday, i went to up alumni hostel to support jen. she was a contestant for up statistics' skewed pair. and how statistics-related the name of a "pageant-like" program could be. from what i have understood, the pairs should be acting like entertainment icons. also, the girl should be acting like a guy and vice-versa. jen and his pair, bryce, had to be music icons. they then decided to become michael jackson and madonna, respectively. congratulations to my friend and her friend 'coz they got two awards which i forgot. they did pretty well in dancing, though they weren't as prepared as the other pairs. it might not please jen but i'm going to post on my multiply a portion of their dance which really looked like they're having a dirty dancing. recognition should be given also to the other contestant. they did pretty well, especially the juniors who acted marimar and sergio of marimar. then, yesterday, she accompanied me to watch drip and up dharma down's ua&p gig called indie trip. it was at li seng giap. entrepreneurial management's band, sindikato, fronted for the two terno recording artists. it was actually my first time to see drip play. supposedly, i was going to watch them play the soundtrack for the silent film festival. i wasn't able to catch them when i went to fete d la musique. i've been wanting to see them since i saw them play at mtv local, about almost three years ago. i never knew that beng calma graduated from ua&p and her brother is my batchmate, paeng. after the gig, which was around 11pm, we went to tapa king, blue wave. it was only then that i ate after almost 12 hours. i just pity her 'coz she had a hard time eating her tapa for her braces was adjusted hours before going to ua&p. jen, kwits na tayo ah... nagpunta ako sa inyo, nagpunta ka sa amin... ehehe

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

gamehouse day

yehey!!! i got games from gamehouse. i got the installer from rjude. man i never imagined having so much games on one installation. all i really wanted was text twist and airstrike. however, i also enjoyed playing nickelodeon jigsaw and collapse. too bad, i only reached level 25, garnering 80 thousand something points. by the time i arrived from home, i was stuck playing games. it's been a while that i have become an addict to playing games. i also got a theme which resembles apple os. ehehe. so cute, it makes me wanna have a macbook. or just an iphone.


Monday, September 03, 2007

when i have a free time, i'll be posting some of the poems i made for my filipino 103. just check my other blog.

whew. it's a good thing that things (so much things) work out according to my plan. i really love it when it happens this way. and i also got a very good surprise which i think would never happen this time (duhh!!!) basta masaya ang aking linggo. sana madala 'to buong linggo.
