Monday, September 24, 2007

a round-up

i went to st.scholastica college manila to watch wncaa. it was the women's basketball team's last game. too bad, they lost again. they had a standing of a win to five loses. after watching all their games, they all ended up losing the game. does that mean i'm a bad luck to the team? hope not. today's game was the closest. they should have won, only if they had maintained the two point lead, courtesy of camille's trey, in the final minute. it was actually the penalty which killed the team - it gave the opposing team chance to tie up and regain the lead. losing by three points isn't as bad as losing to a double-digit margin with a really irritating hot-headed coach. from the last two games, i can say that the team was more comfortable and relaxed than before. it's because much of the pressure was taken off. i guess, they know what i mean. i'd be uploading some pictures in the near future. my apologies to krizy because i wasn't able to produce some good shots of st.scho. i was too shy that i shoot pictures from the waist.

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