Tuesday, August 28, 2007

happy birthday mandy.

i had fun going to one of the best debuts i have been to. what i'm talking about is mandy marcos's birthday. it was held yesterday at manila polo club. what really struck me the most was the 18 roses. never in my life that i almost became teary just by looking at how she is approached by her dancers. the concept was cute coz she had a recorded message to each person whom she will be dancing with. she made some funny and cute message but she also managed to do some serious messages. i also like her when she danced before she was approached by a guy for the dance. i also had fun going there coz i got to hang out with block i people which is a quite rare experience. we friends and we sometimes play basketball, but it was my first time to be with them on a special occasion, such as mandy's birthday. i can still remember the time when we were laughing at the dance instructor who really looked like a fool. plus, i also had the chance to take a picture with mr. pure energy. too bad, imelda went early coz i was planning to have my picture taken with her.

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