Saturday, October 06, 2007


i'm really impressed with my friend's brilliance. i'm talking about finney. so here's the catch, while waiting for saturday night live, i chanced upon seeing the last part of the daily top ten. to end the week's show, they usually have a "hollywood rap-up" - a summary, through rap, on what has happened on hollywood. just for the sake of everyone, the philippines had a share of international limelight. we were mentioned on an episode of desperate housewives where teri hatchet's character said that she'd check on the certificate if it was from a med school in the philippines. i really can't remember the exact lines but it goes like that, implying we are used to faking certificates, etc. so there, after watching the hollywood rap-up, i made my status on ym go like this: "philippines was mentioned in the daily top ten's hollywood rap up re: desperate housewives... baka mabad-trip uli kayo... ehehe" after a few minutes, finney replied with: "kailangan ko lang sabihin to.. hehe naipakita lamang sa mga palabas na yan ang tunay na tingin sa atin ng amerika... di dapat tayo magalit sa kanilang nandidiscriminate.. dahil mismong tayo ay nangdidiscriminate din... tulad nalang nung inday jokes.. hehe isang porma un ng implied na discriminasyon laban sa mga mga pilipino rin hehe" hay, i really don't have anything good to say about his reply that i only replied "nice one finney!" i'm really lost with my friend's profoundity. my take on the issue is that we really should not worry about that. are we really taking jokes seriously or are we just afraid that people might know truth, (or maybe, half of the joke's truth)?

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