Wednesday, July 29, 2009

oh wednesday

i have a hate/love relationship with my wednesday.

i love it coz it's my break. i hate it coz it's my research break. i can rest from my other subjects but i have to research for my research seminar industry analysis (ahaha redundant!). why do they have to call it a break (which also means rest)? so you have a break(or rest) for you to research, come on! ahaha weak argument, i know.

i love it coz it's my break. i hate it coz i feel like a kid every wednesday. reminisce ng pagkabata. laro sa labas ng bahay 'pag 4:30 ng hapon.then on my favorite radio station, they're playing the classics. or i'm just gonna youtube music videos. in short, unproductive. hay, i have to mature! as what my prof would say, i need to focus, focus, focus, focus.

anyway, gotta leave. off to school (sigh)



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