Wednesday, March 15, 2006


it's been a hard day. today's the first day of examination. the day covered analytic geometry, english and computer. i know it will only bore you to death how the test fared. i just wanna share my timeline before having my exam. 6:00. i just got up from my bed 6:10. i just finished my breakfast. 6:10 - 6:30. panic time one! i was watching tv while waiting for my turn to take a bath. 6:30 -6:35. bathing time. see how fast i could get when in a rush. it includes taking a bath, brushing my teeth, and crapping shit out. 6:35 - 6:40. changing clothes. 6:45 - 6:55. waiting for a ride. getting a ride. panic time two! i was late and i was really afraid of my writings on the blackboard;afraid that our adviser how our blackboard turned into a graffiti wall of nothing but foolish jokes on the vocabs. 6:55. arrival and the most exciting part. 6:58. my arrival at our beloved homeroom. from the stairs, i could hear shrieks and scream of this certain individual. it was loud, as loud as you could hear the clogging of the heart's veins. i was even predicting, when i had my seat, that: she would be having a hard time breathing, holding her heart, and passing out. i realized one thing. i was watching how the number one cause of death of Filipinos does it job. 7:05. silence for few seconds, while she was away. then, differen kind of whispers filled the room. assumptions of her sudden screaming. start of the exam. this is the exciting part. 7:55. boisterous, flirtatious scream was heard on the hallways of rodriguez. the class was puzzled. 8:00. the voice heard awhile ago, was now heard on our room. wow. she was quite scolding us for our noise before the nat was held. amazing isn't it. she scold us for being noisy yet her voice was heard on the hallways. (no i'm talking of another individual) 8:15. she went downstairs, and still her voice was heard. and take note, she was noisier than us and her voice and her stories definitely distracted the examinees.


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