Wednesday, September 06, 2006

en.sci field trip

last august 30, 2006, which happens to be my brother's birthday, our en.sci. class and some other class who are also taking up the same subject went to los baños. to be exact, we went to university of the philippines - los baños. to be more exact, we went to institute of plant breeding, makiling botanical garden, philippine raptors, and international rice research institute. i had so much fun because most of the places we visited were the same places we've been through during our last year's field trip. the only difference was that we had to accomplish activities. and these activities made the trip more fun. we were asked to measure temperature, total dissolved solid and conductivity of a stream flowing in makiling botanical garden. we were given no rest. and after that we had to hike some meters, which really was tiring, to reach the raptors. now i was able to take pictures of the birds with my camera which was better to use when i last visited the raptors. the place i enjoyed the most was when we were in irri. it's not the avp but the jokes we formulated. many enjoyed our jokes which started with rjude's question of how java rice is grown. after that, many silly jokes and questions souped our minds which i really like. also, i enjoyed stalking to this girl. well, to view her click:


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