Wednesday, August 16, 2006

oh holy crap kid

there was this kid on this computer shop i was into who would surely get into your nerves.
i was supposed to look for resources for my North Am. paper. but, due to this kid, i could no longer continue what i was supposed to do. he had a voice which was parang namamalat. and i know, we all hate that coz we don't understand what he is saying. unfortunately, he also had a loud persona, as in, he screams a lot though his playmates are just two meters away. damn! imagine a kid, shouting with his namamalat - like voice while you're trying you're very best to concentrate on your paper. the worse was he likes to tease his opponents but out of unexpected eavesdropping, you would eventually be pissed off.
while i was biking around the village, i reminisced my childhood days when all i do was to play in the afternoon and no flooding papers would bother me. writing prelims paper was not even in my neurons back then. i once thought that when you become a twentysomething, something that is gravity-like would pull you to an office and making you a professional. i'm just on my first year but i'm having a hard time coping up with this (now the kid i was talking about is shouting) and i still have four more years to go just to skip what i wasn't expecting when all that i held back then was slippers for tumbang preso.
now i realized how hard it is study in an environment where people of annoying voice continue to piss you off. damn. i really miss our pc. or, this might be the product of creative juice drought.


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