Friday, July 28, 2006

nostalgic shit

it has been two months since the classes started. and how pathetic i could be. after my nostalgic summer where all i thought of is nothing but howmy high school life was. then the hopes of seeing my batchmates anywhere was so far from reality. dramatic, but it's true. i always pass at gateway, but none i could see. i just thought that this gateway is also a gateway to seeing them. well anyway, before i ran out of time spent for surfing the net, i'll make a list of my schoolmates who i want to see and i have seen already. people i have seen already (chronological order) casey, christian, emong, finney, benedict. miguel. cave, gina, sammy, justin, eman. dane. jen-encar. ma'am Jara(blah3x) and her beloved partner, ma'am H. (do they count as schoolmates? we saw them last friday after we went to rp. see how small for marisci community rp is.) people i want to see. junel. cyril. jayzon. gian. jhonnel. (joke time group, sapphire) issa. eumir, norman, michael. (pathways friends, i haven't seen them for they didn't tell me that there'd be a g.a. two weeks ago) alvin patrick, melody, erika. (my supposed collegemates... dream on dude!) janna, erick. jam. sapphire classmates. argon classmates. ipil (hmmm...)and curie! and also, i want to pay a visit to my alma maters. maris(ci and t).


Blogger meki said...

naks.:P you wanna see me!! oo nga!! iniwan mo ako sa department eh!! anyhoo. nagkita kame ni casey kanina, thus, we can meet up anytime. dalaw ka sa ateneo!! i miss you arjay!! seryoso.:P the banats you make are missable.:) ohyeah.

11:14 PM

Blogger arjayd said...

ahaha... i'll be at the ateneo at tuesday.

11:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

6:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

1:16 PM


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