Tuesday, July 25, 2006

boring... shooting the stars out

my eyes are weary as i endlessly browse different blogs of friends: new friends and past friends. the cold wind brought by typhoon glenda easily passes through our windows, blowing me and my thoughts away into a dreamworld i once dreamed of and found worthless of returning. hopes of classes suspended are up on my head. repeatedly and for the nth time songs of the past are played which i find scratching on my ear but not on my mind. fingers are tired of writing a paper and playing solitaire during the breaks, which is my excuse for playing. i find myself scratching my head often. after a few stretching and consistent search for news, classes are suspended. my fist is raised up in the air as if i won something, as if i ever won something. rain poured down really hard for a while and suddenly stopped. glenda's not so far from me. i want to speak of something else but i have no companion, my tongue is tied and hard to speak. i won't write them either. i'd rather type how gma fared in her sona. but if that's the case, i'll keep it instead. (labo, men!) i was supposed to give a glittery thingy. but not all that glitters is gold. and again, my eyes are weary. tired they are, i guess. but not my stomach. it still craves so much. shown in the tv are food i die for. wish i could stop my saliva for a while. damn... i must be really tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

11:37 PM


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