Monday, June 26, 2006

Think smart, act dumb

I learned something new from my school. It's not taught at any of my subjects. Well, it was based on our block's experience on (this how i term him/her/them) talk shit human being on one of our classes.
"think smart, act dumb"
He was the opposite of that statement. He acts smart, thinks dumb that is according to some of my sources. Talks (shit), then talks (shit, again) and ends the class talking (crap). I think he feels very superior over us, lower classmen, for this is our first encounter of how the life goes in the university.
I created an account on multiply. here's the link, I think, multiply's more convinient to use. You can do almost what you want to do with your page; post pictures, blog, videos and movie reviews.
I'd be better if I'm going to stop this. I need to think smart, and act dumb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

4:28 AM


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