Monday, March 20, 2006

One of my Dreams Came True

One of my dreams came true. yes! when i was in grade five, i've been a dying fan of barbie's cradle, particularly barbie almalbis. i can still remember that i had a dream of her after i watched her in mtv fashionista. in my dreams, we played like little children and i wished i would stay in my dreams. ok so when i was back to reality, i immediately bought an album, music from the buffet table. i could also still remember how i envied the stories of my sister who watched the alternativity in riverbanks(barbie was there). everytime i had a freetime, i would always catch a glimpse of her in one of the issues of Pulp magazine. and when they launched the playing in the fields album, i also did not hesitated in buying it. god, i was so over her back then. even in the present. but when i had this opportunity, i said to myself that i should not miss this. robinson's metro east had this series of gigs this weekend which i guess for the promotion of their weekend sale. march 19 2006: barbie almalbis. (two years and seven days after one of my dream concert, incubus.) when i got home after i had my tape to be transferred, i took a rest for a while. when i woke up, went back to get it, only to be find out that it wasn't in mpeg format. so i told gian, julie and finney that we should watch barbie. and our decision was right! she was already playing torpe. so we rushed to the ground floor and i impatiently got out my camera and took shots of her. i had one of my 128mb memory card be full because of her and only her picture and one minute plus clip of her playing. when the concert was over, the emcee told the audience that they're selling out cds of singles and the autograph signing and picture taking started. i got some money from our docu fund and finney got his share. immediately we bought the album and went to the line. the line was not that long and i was very afraid that we might not have our turn. and luckily we did. my dream came true! oh my god! i was close to one of my biggest crushes, the one i've been admiring for almost 6 years. we had our cd signed by her and we also had our picture taken with her. call it very groupie but i don't mind at all. what do they care anyway? at least i had the courage of going out to her. oh my, i would never forget this day!


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