Monday, April 17, 2006

today's christmas, (which would fit better, second time around or the repeat?)

happy easter. i don't know which would fit in. but what i know today's christmas. pasko ng muling pagkabuhay. it would be very sacreligious of me to tell that i resurrected with Him. this holy week, i made my own penance, if you would allow me to call it so. i did not take a bath for two days. it's also what i call the derelict get-up. for a week, i did not have my facial hair shaved. luckily, i don't get the chance to go out and meet some folks. (whew, what a relief.) i was lucky enough that it rained so hard this afternoon. without any doubt i got out of the house and drown myself with all the rain, wind and alimuom. yes, i was alone taking a shower of the falling water from the gutter. ahaha. i suddenly found myself soaked with some questions: is it fun, taking a bath in the rain when you're doing it alone in the bathroom? why do they associate rain with blessings? would the world end raining? are we really clean after taking a bath? would posting this disgust the readers? i'm back and i would be posting again(and would be using pldt vibe).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

arjay... hahaha ito na ang pinakahihinta y ko.. ang mag post kang muli...

ingat sa pagdadrayb.. baka ka mabanga...

10:23 PM


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