Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wow. Time just passed me by so quickly and I just realized that yesterday was the first first Monday of the month when I didn't have my haircut. Yesterday was the start of my vow that I would let my hair grow for at least five months without haircut. I did and still believe that this would result to a big puffy afro. I think that this love for the big puffy afro can be rooted to my amusement of the '60's and'70's, where having afro was a very huge trend. This liking is intensified when the fashion of these decades are making its way again. I also have this friend who have a puffy hair. Everytime he walks by, people have their second look on him. I can still remember when one commented, "Uy, Afro oh, astig!". I somehow want to feel what a head turner feels. I then remembered those days, the first Mondays. My last first Monday experience was when I had my very long hair shaved. Everybody was shocked, seeing me three days before graduation with my hair closest to being gone. Everytime that I would be walking by the corridor, I felt those strange and queer looks. But the hell I care! I just told myself "Okay, seeing me this way would be the last time." -- and that is how I comforted myself. To cheer me up, as you may allow me to use the word, some folks kept on holding my almost vanishing hair (as if I'm that old) and would be tickled, thrilled and whatever on their heads. *I also remembered my first semi-kal(a shortcut for semi-kalbo or almost bald) during high school. I was somehow hesitant at first if I would let my hair be shaved after two years. (My last was when I was still in grade school.) And guess what, I was absent on the eve(it was a Tuesday and not Monday, just wanna share) of our Sci-Camp just to have my hair shaved, (Well, actually it's because I had my appointment with the dentist. Exaggeration.) only to find out that I looked like our principal, according to Jen-Encar. "A complement or insult?", a question I'm still answering. (peace out jen!) I also had this first Mondays when I would strictly follow the school rule. 3x4. It's a measurement by barbers made by the three fingers on the side and four fingers on the side. I disgusted and regretted those Sundays when I would tell the barber that haircut. Addition to that, I have first Mondays when I would not follow the school rule. At first I would look handsome on my own point of view. Then guilt would run on my head, followed by fear and poof! For weeks I would again disgust myself. This all eventually lead me into a worthless conclusion. My hair should and only be long to the point of puffing like a cloud on a summer day or short as those grasses cut by Kuya Ato but not gone.


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