Friday, June 09, 2006

Today's our last day

Wow. It's only June and now was our last day? (Huh? Labo tsong!) Well, actually we just had the so called Fun Day for our Freshstart 2006 which is the last day of our four-day orientation. Oh! BTW (just like how Ate Lia, our FDA, would say) I'm pursuing my higher education (naks!) at the University of Asia and the Pacific. The whole orientation was a blast! But I just didn't show how I felt during the orientation. It's awkward showing it off for I'm not used to doing it just like how my blockmates Ryan and B.L. did. (I'm an introvert man!) Ironically, with the small campus, I wasn't able to memorize all of the building, halls and classrooms. I just don't know why. Also some of our blockmates' names. On my head are just the prominent ones and Block B boys whom I am always with. Sorry but some of us are like wallflowers, or maybe it's just that they are not with those guys whom are easily paid attention to. (again sorry) I was just frustrated to know that there are no organizations related to my should-be-interests in college, photography and film-making. I just think I'm going to be active at the Haranya, a writers club (should I say) whose specialty and their medium is Filipino. I'm seeing myself going back to the basic, writing in Filipino. I'm sorry for how I wrote my post today. I won't check the grammar and spelling. I'm some sort of wasted today after playing basketball and walking, riding train, walking riding fx and my never ending walking (of her in my mind, hmmmm...).


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