Monday, July 24, 2006

monday rain

classes are suspended tomorrow. this is the second time that i won't be going to school on a monday. the problem is my monday-thursday classes are delayed for four meeting already. first was on a half-day. then, araw ng pasig. then suspension of classes due to typhoon florita. and now due to typhoon glenda. i thought that the typhoon's name is gloria. what's on my head is gloria's (how impolite) SONA. maybe that's why i mix up names. (why do typhoon names have to be of girls') how long will it take her to deliver her speech? will drillon act the same way, just like last year? will she receive standing ovations from the guests, representatives, senators? or how long will i be involved in politics, which i suddenly found out to be interesting but not relative to my life? i was just opened up by what the speaker at our nstp lecture said about being a maka-bayan (it's not the subject in high school, ok?) he said a lot of things about pagiging makabayan. i was loaded with so much of his philosophies but i can somehow grasp it. i kinda know what he was talking about because it was the same as finney's beliefs. the lecture series was held last wednesday and we still have to attend two more. now that the classes are suspended tomorrow, i have time to do my assignment for tuesday classes. specially in aps (asia-pacific studies). i'm having a hard time writing about republicanism. (help, anyone!) i also have to do a paragraph of process for english. lastly, a presentation for music's reporting. ahh!!! omg... i have so much to do. luckily, we skipped fr.latorre's monday quiz and christian civ's whatever activity or lecture she prepared. i really have time to rest. and do alot of hw's!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

7:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

2:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

10:22 PM


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