Sunday, July 30, 2006

a quark of china

after meeting up with krizy at robinson's place manila to fix our reporting on music, i headed up to mr.choi to eat my lunch. i ate with my aunt. of course, it was her treat. the food was great. and i ate alot, as usual(ok, my diet's far from reality!). and what i noticed is that Mr.Choi was a quark of china. too many chinese men were eating. some came in solo; some came in families; some came in pairs. and how insensitive of me just to take a notice on the decorations around the resto. everytime i see those lanterns, i really feel my being oriental. sitting on my right was a guy who looked like rico j. puno. i was making fun of him for he ate alot. more than what i'm eating. his phone was on the table and couldn't leave it. his attention was on the phone for some time until his food was served. after that, he kept on looking outside. and i realized he had a chick younger than him. ahaha. something popped out of my mind. was she a kabit? well anyway. i'd be more serious on my studies. after getting a failure on a long test on en.sci, i should be studying harder than before.


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