Wednesday, August 02, 2006

nose bleed!

i'm really tired. i guess it must be the hectic schedule. i have to cut two of my classes, just to attend the signing of MOA of the new partners of pathways; USSC-RCPI and KC de Venecia Foundation. i really don't know what i was into during this afternoon 'til i reached the ateneo. it was held at the gonzaga function room. my ultra special thanks to my benefactor i was speechless the whole time. my god! my saliva's rotten during my stay there as i see very big time persons; such as Gina de Venecia, Phillip Cruz(her son), and some CEO's and president of some sort of USSC-RCPI, which happens that one of the daughter of a CEO is my friend and became my "tutor". thanks to them for they gave me a shirt. then, i get to meet dane, eumir and erika! two of my wish-to-see persons, erased. we talk, talk, talk and talk at what they call the conyo benches at gonzaga. i have to confess that my eyes are now devirginized of seeing some skin at a university. during my first few minutes at the ateneo, i thought i was still in school and following the dress code until i saw some girls in shorts and skirts. with my two-month stay at the ua&p and its dress codes, my nose really bled as i saw some hot ateneans in their mini-skirts and short shorts*. how i envy those guys wearing shorts and slippers at school, a big no!no! at my school. i got to see their newly-built swimming pool, only in the dark. pathetic! dane's right, i'm not over with dreaming at the ateneo. i'm so not over with it... *apologies to the harsh words. they are all but just expressions of admiration to those really really really hot girls.


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