Monday, August 14, 2006

suicide letter

i'd be dead by now, i guess. the time you're reading this, i'd be on my way to somewhere i don't even know. floating around everyone's presence would by my hobby as to the point of taking a peek at how how you take a bath. ahaha... suicide letter? nope. bullshit. it's all because of all the chain letters and messages i received the past days, weeks and months. it started on emails back then. even when i was in grade school i used to have 'em. but. but. but. butt.(hehe) because of unlimited and infinite texting (for at most, five days), it is now possible. (possible sa globe) ehehe i really hate the feeling when you're anticipating for something and important and ultra-kilig texts you'll receive some crappy shitty messages of some sorts, using even god, jesus, death, mother, father, girlfriend, boyfriend, bestfriend, cross and all of the religious icons and everything they can relate to you. ahh... you just have to do everything, i mean everything! just to persuade you to do the spread of crappy and shitty and fuckingly annnoying messages. disclaimer: too much bad words in your sentences is bad.


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