Sunday, March 25, 2007

a generally sad day

yesterday was my last day to enter the school. yep. school year 2006-2007 ended yesterday. what i mean is that i have no obligations: papers, finals and other requirement. yesterday was a very sad day. i really don't know if i'm still staying at UA&P. i took every opportunity to transfer to other schools; ateneo and up, namely. so, i again feel that i'm going nowhere. i'm lost, really really really lost. i only feel like going to UA&P when 2nd semester was about to end when i am already filing every paperworks for my transferring. that's why i can't be so happy yesterday 'coz i don't know if that would be my last day or not. yesterday i was supposedly staying 'til 12 at rr's place 'coz g.talegon's class had a get-together party. unfortunately, my father called me up for some emergency reason. that's why i wasn't able to enjoy free drinks plus my new-found friends. generally, yesterday was a sad day...

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