Friday, December 28, 2007

with so little time left, i really feel that i have to cram all the papers due on jan.3. i have a phil.hist paper that i should have passed when the break just started. however, due to starting the break right with a treat a EK courtesy of nel, i felt too lazy to finish what i have started. then, i also have to make a paper on the effect of darwin's theory on 19th century christianity. damn, i really hate writing essays for every meeting because i think that skill should be developed on another class, which is on english. it's an excess load to the students and a waste of time when they should be allotting more time on more important affairs. we also have to come up with an outline for the paper in japan. i also haven't read the book i borrowed. tsk tsk that only reminds me of inferno. arggh!!! can the school extend the break? please...


Thursday, December 20, 2007

olats na mga palabas

i just need to take a break from researching for our phil.hist paper. so, give me time to rant out two of the worst primetime shows here. our family's very addicted to watching stupid shows from gma7. since our house is small, there's no escape that when they're watching, we could not help but also watch. they won't even allow us to change the channel even though after five minutes of watching, they'd be sleeping already. anyway, what i'm really trying to point out here is that the shows la vendetta and marimar are two of the worst shows. marimar was a big hit back in the days when it was original and thalia was acting as marimar. but now, for me, this show's a flop. walang kwentang panoorin. ahaha. why? it is for the reason that the station has a pool of bad actors and actresses. too bad that they got some actors and actresses from the said pool. i once had a chance to watch it and man, i was really surprised to see sergio's soul separating from his body. the station also has a "suspense-drama" on its primetime. and it's title? la vendetta. i would even call this the most "pilit" (trying hard) show on primetime. they're doing everything to make it really scary or be considered a horror show, but it's pure drama - no horror, no suspense. watching it would really bore you to death. who would freak out seeing jennylyn mercado acting as a ghost and walking and freaking out like sadako of the ring. people are sick of the crawling and such. and also, the production's so poorly done like they did not even put in efforts in making the show suspenseful. even the story's so lame. i highly discourage people who are into saving money from too much electricity use to watch these two shows. ok, now back to researching for phil.hist.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

inenkantong kahariaan

i want to thank nel for treating us at enchanted kingdom last december 17. it was my first time to go there. i really had fun specially at anchors away. ehehe. at first i was kinda hesitant to ride but in the end, i enjoyed riding it. courtesy of rjude's concept of looking upwards to counter the dizziness, i even enjoyed it more. i lost my voice from shouting, was it abnormal or what? (oh stupid me.) but the best experience perhaps is the bump cars. or BAMCARS. the cars have turned us into awful bamcar zombies - craving for more bamcars every time our rides' are over. we started with the bump cars and ended with the bump cars. i even bruised my knee from the head collisions i was getting coz i wouldn't fit in the car. i was just wondering if the space shuttle were open, would i ride on it? ehehe... basta, i really had fun. alotta fun!

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Monday, December 03, 2007

coup and euch

after celebrating the eucharistic procession on our school, my classmate texted my classmate saying that she'd be cutting her class because she can't go out of her place, which was in makati, where the coup attempt happened. eucharistic celebration + coup = nice timing of events. galing lang eh. after feeling holy and closer to God, you'd be then feeling fear because of coup. since edi congress we're really attached to each other, we still had managed to leave our fears away and meet at the venue. unfortunately, the one who organized the whole tambay didn't arrive. and again because of the coup attempt. anyway, i was part of the team who fixed the flowers at cas. i also watered and covered the flowers at mpc. ehehe... so proud. because if my memory serves me right, i didn't help or even attend the eucharistic procession. hehe. i made up for my being apathetic last year.

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

keep love real beybeh...

to summarize this post, all i really want to say is that i enjoyed volunteering/ushering for the EDI congress entitled: love, laughter and life ever after: second international congress on education in love, sex and life. it was held at EDSA Shangri-la, from November 19-22. it also culminated with the Real Love Revolution held at le pavilion. martha, ros and lor told me to volunteer for the said congress but i have taken for granted their invitation. the last thing i knew, they had their shirts fitted. i lost hope and thought that this congress wasn't for me. several meetings had gone by and did not even attend any of those, which just made me realize i could no longer volunteer. mid-sembreak came and good news, for me, arrived. several volunteers backed out although they have invested little time on attending the usher's meetings for the congress. after knowing the good news, i texted right away rissa barretto, asking if i could still make it. and she said, yes and there would be another meeting. a day before the second semester started, i attended the meeting at EDSA shangri-la. there i got to meet a lot of people: the other ushers;my partner, miya espiritu, a 5th year humanities student; the heads, namely, rissa, mich, ivanna, shelina, carla, and monica. it was carla who toured us around the place where the congress would be held. while leaving shangri-la, i said to myself, if they would be the heads/organizers of the event, man, i would be always available for their commands. i envisioned myself like a puppy commanded by some gorgeous masters. ehehe [fast-forward to the congress.] day zero. for us, it's day one, but for the delegates and guest, day zero. we were asked to be at shangri-la by 7:30 but work only started by 9:30 when some of the boys arrived carrying the kits, books and tarpaulins from omm citra. whew, what a great way to start the day, and congress, doing some logistic stuffs. a hint perhaps of what lies ahead. by 1pm, people started to swarm and bug the ushers. i was assigned to the information counter, with my partner miya. we were tasked to accommodate the guests and media men, which was less of a hassle than that of the registration booth who handle the hundreds of delegates. since sam and lj, who should also be with us, were out doing other stuffs, miya and i have to divide the labor - she has to accommodate the guest while i would be running for kits and the asking the heads for the guests' inquiries. bl and i found out during that day that people living far from shangri-la and would be having a hard time going to shangri-la are given free accommodation. so bl asked the ever-gorgeous monica villanueva, if we could also stay at the legend villas. fortunately, we were allowed to. ahaha. so, i packed my things as soon as i have reached home. day one. while waiting for the actual congress to start, miya and i still stayed at the information counter because we really enjoyed our work. and we were not giving our work away to the other people - and that's how we are attached to our work. we were also assigned to conference two which means that we should make sure that the panelist and speakers would be at the isla ballroom ten minutes before the conference starts. what an easy job, right? during this day, i got the chance to eat the all-in-one sandwich. it's called the choco-apple-tuna-salad sandwich. thanks to tita anabelle for the sandwich. what's in the sandwich? it has a slice of the regular bread, tuna on mayo, salad on mayo, slices of apple and a slice of choco-bread from gardenia. how weird, right? ehehe if we were not working, we would be hanging out at the secretariat office where we would try to take away stress by cracking some really brain-souping jokes(nakakasabaw na jokes). during this day, i got to usher the wife of sen. nene pimentel. she was quite humble and not the type of guest having a i'm-a-guest-so-treat-me-well attitude. the legend villas boys, composed of sam, lj, john, nico, orenz, bl and i, went to cabalen megamall for dinner. after they have watched marimar, which i'm not a big fan of, we went to robinsons' pioneer to have some coffee. that's how the first day ended. day two. i woke up very early so that i would not be late for breakfast. i really had a good start because we had breakfast buffet courtesy of the hotel. so for two straight meals, i had buffet - day one dinner from cabalen, and day two breakfast from the legend villas. this day was the same as day one but there was more time to chill. for some weird reason, people were starting to get sick. jv and sandra weren't feeling well. also felix brought his laptop to kill some time while waiting for the commands from our master. we played what-word from gamehouse. i could say that this bonded the ushers 'coz everytime they go to the secretariat's room, they would surely see someone playing felix's game. i was energized as the day was about to end with a performance from brigada, an all percussions band. it seemed that they brought mardi gras into the isla ballroom of shangri-la. i was also touched when dr.torralba recognized the ushers by having us stand in front of the guests and delegates. i almost cried with a relief when a foreigner, a speaker perhaps, stood first and clapped which made the other guests stand up too. the day ended with a riot of delegates wanting for their certificate of appearance. the heads prepared only certificates of participation not knowing that the delegates wanted, and were dying for certificate of appearance. i just don't understand why they were looking for appearance when they have the participation. can they not participate at an event without appearing? haha... labo nila. last day. so the congress ended with the real love revolution. it had a song-writing contest and performances who promoted chastity. there also had a panel with speakers such as julianne, audrey zubiri, lora tan-garcia (author of keep love real), ronnie balbieran of iep etc. the crowd really went wild when miguel escueta and christian bautista performed. i'm still wondering why miguel escueta went off the stage during his set just to run around the le pavilion. weird. during christian bautista's performance, almost all of the ushers stopped their work just to watch him perform. well as for me, i worked not only as a documentarist but also as a bouncer. on our way home, i had the chance to tour around metro manila because ushers should be dropped at their houses by the coaster. with a wrong route, the driver had a five-hour trip around the metro. he had to go to san joaquin and rosario pasig, camp aguinaldo, santoland mother ignacia, fairview, caloocan, malate,marikina and antipolo. whew. but during this time, i got to have a bonding moment with carla, tech head. we were like drinking, having shots of jelly-ace while sharing stories. i had to write this post for almost three hours, missing other stories but all i want to say is that i really enjoyed the congress. tuyo na utak ko...

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