Sunday, June 08, 2008

can't sleep

for some unexplainable reasons, i'm still awake. i'm not really used to be still up at this time of the day. when i'm awake at this moment, hmm, i would usually try to squeeze all of the words in my head to come up with a paper, a crammed paper, i must say. but right now, i don't feel like sleeping. it's weird, really weird. for the whole week, when my family needs me to do the household chores, i was out tiring myself with intense, if you may call it, labor for recently held freshstart. i had to go to school, miles away from our house, just to catch up with the meetings. while during the freshstart, i had to run back and forth to cover the whole event, which is not actually my job. i think, it's because that i don't like my job as part of the logistics team. i could have enjoyed it more when they have assigned me as a marshal, or documentation to make my stint as a photographer official.
i honestly have to say, that i didn't enjoy freshstart as much as i did last year.
i'm also kinda fresh from my work as a floor marshall at the recently held UA&P graduation ceremony. i got tired from standing up for three hours. the stress level was so high especially when students who didn't listen to mr. ledesma's instruction during the rehearsals. they were told to sit down after the last person on the row arrives. you can shout at them saying "hey, stupid! upo!" and some act really dumb. hay, enough! anyway, i got to bond with phongkei. i'm still not used to calling her phongkei (pronounced as pongki, complicated? i know) in public. i feel like it's what her closest friends name her. i just thought of trying to get used to this hour of day so that when thesis days approach (if i would even reach that point), i could juice all of my thoughts in my head (just like jack lalaine's power juicer) ehehe.


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