Wednesday, April 02, 2008

tempura and tv

supposedly, jen and i are going to finish our heroes marathon which we delayed last sembreak. i even forgot the last episode that we watched. ehehe. we're going to use the usb port of their player to watch the downloaded episodes from the net but technology failed us. it can't recognize my flash drive, darn. so we ended up watching hellboy. i got the plot but the story, no. ehehe but i did enjoy it. i could now watch and enjoy hellboy 2. ehehe and it was also a tempura afternoon. i bought two bags of regent tempura chips, which we ate while watching shows from star tv: rerun of oc, how i met your mother and simpsons. her mom ate some which she really liked. ehehe how i met your mother's good. hmm. if i have some money, i would look for a dvd if it. but of course, i have to save some for the skinny jeans i'm aiming for. ehehe.


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