Tuesday, October 28, 2008

on my first hs reunion

last friday, i attended our first high school reunion. i knew that it would be a hassle for me because i had to wake up really early for the event next day. especially that i the reunion isn't a reunion without drinking. haha. and there goes again me becoming a drunkard. anyway, i had fun. it's nice to see people again. (yeah, i know, that's the point. why do i even have to mention it?) some people haven't changed. while some had a ridiculous change. i thought that someone was just a friend from college but to my surprise, after we had him analyze (as if he was an experiment), he was our batchmate. grabe, karamihan na lang yata pumayat nung nag-college, ako lang bumigat. it's also good that talents have come out. some of our batchmates brought their friends/bandmates along to play. school should have realized that our batch's kinda talented not only in acads, but in music too (eh, sana may ball tayo). of course, anna and the pink table was there too playing their usual songs. hindi nakakasawa pero nakakatuwa, kasi lahat ng tao nag-rereminisce. pero si jayson cruz talaga ang champion ng gabi. it was my first time to see him go crazy on public. it must be because he just missed his hs friends. i just got to hang out with him during our sabaw congo practice days. well, the whole sapphire was sabaw naman eh. i hope our next reunion, there would be more people. too bad that finney missed it. and one more thing, my crush when i was in 2nd yr is still beautiful. ahaha. oh, thanks to samuel and jeff for organizing this reunion.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

those damn grades

i'm really depressed. i got a 3.0 for philo-anthro. damn. i know, at least i passed the subject. the problem is that it's sore to the eyes. of whom? whoever will interview or hire me. when? during ojt - that is if i get to reach the fifth year or at work itself. also, i really don't know why i can't still feel the pressure to get good grades. it seems that for the past five semesters and two summers, i've been really lazy. mediocre performance. i know i could do more, but why couldn't i do it? damn. now, i'm mad at myself. i'm expecting lower grades from the other subjects. why? i've been slacking the whole sem. pa-banjing-banjing, ika nga. asar talaga. pero bakit ngayon lang ako naaasar? labo noh? arrgghh... i thought that this was a feel good sem. sorry ma and pa.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

hot in herre

it's really hot in here. house, i mean. hot that i can't put myself to sleep coz all i think about is how to lie down without feeling the heat. arrggh... i feel like it's summer already. also, it's like a normal school day, when you feel you're deprived of sleep. damn. (sigh) that only goes to show, we don't have air-conditioning unit here. ... porque estoy muy pobre okay, i'm really bored here. four posts in one day.

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si janet

i know this would make me like goodjobgod but i just can't help it. ehehe so, here's another boob tube cutie. her name's janet hsieh. she's the host of fun taiwan, a travel show at discovery travel and living. i like her quirkiness. ehehe that's all. okay, she's quite beautiful. i also envy her job. a travel show host. photo from: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2086/2116757675_647543dd94.jpg?v=0

and because of that philo-anthro-ish post, i don't know what to write after that.

the battle lies within

that's the tagline of spiderman 3. i just want to rant that i agree with that. we are always in struggle, and this struggle is found within us. and what struggle? that is to do good. i believe that man is good and that all of his action should be intended towards the good. however, we make decisions that are not good in nature. it is for the reason that we have distorted the concept of what good is really about. yes, our environment may influence us but we can choose not to, because of our will. and what made write this philo-anthro-ish post? it's because every time i wake up or i go to sleep, i feel this struggle. am i going to live my day out according to and doing good? have i lived my day right - doing good? consistently, no is the answer. and i am really guilty, coz that only means i'm not practicing my freedom well. bad. really bad. and what makes it worse is that i believe that struggles should not be left as they are. you should try to win over them. (sigh) i have to admit, i feel that i'm losing this battle. i badly need a spark. inspiration. but where? who? what? enough of this very random post. this just makes me more of a loser.


Friday, October 17, 2008

sabaw for lunch

i enjoy watching eat bulaga waiting for some sabaw answers. i've been staying here at home during lunch coz i have to wash the dishes. while doing the chores, i get to hear the sabaw answers. here are some of them: Q. anong J ang pelikula na spielberg na tungkol sa mga pating? A. jungle!!! jungle!!! jungle!!! Q. anong D ang bahagi ng katawan ang may pinky? A. dibdib!!! dibdib!!! dibdib!!! [with conviction pa yan] (may point di ba? ahaha) Q. anong T ang tagalog ng slingshot? A. tigyawat!!! tigyawat!!! tigyawat!!! sabaw, anyone?


on cooking

i now love to cook. since our maid was out, my mom gave me the responsibility to cook the meals. i actually don't have to cook from scratch. mama pre-cooked them already, so i just have to heat them. well, except for yesterday. i had to cook from the start. the funny thing is i had a tinolang manok with sunog na bawang. ehehe. first time eh. but i have to say, my pagsasaing skills have improved, unlike my first time that the sides were all tutong/sunog. but most especially, what i love about cooking is the waiting time. while waiting for the crucial times, i have the opportunity to reflect on things. ehehe. yun lang, random stuffs na naman...


inconsiderate brat

to all the people who commute going to school, office, home or anywhere, please be considerate. don't imitate the girl who was at my back when i rode an fx going to school. she's one of the most inconsiderate person that i've met. 1. she talks very loudly. after a few minutes, she turned the loudspeakers on. thus, we can hear her and the other person talking. i just don't know if she's proud of what they're talking about. don't ask me what they were talking about 'coz i was already pissed with her. 2. after talking, she played some music. again with loudspeakers on. 3. as i tried to look at her and give an irritated eye, i saw her putting her feet on the seat opposite to her. bastos kung sa bastos eh noh? irritating.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

barbecue night

i was cleaning my dirty shoes yesterday. it then reminded me of blogging what happened last monday, the day my shoes got really dirty. so, it started with our way of celebrating the end of 1st sem 08-09. since not everyone was able to go to the night-out last saturday, we planned a barbecue at nel's place. it was the most convenient place since if it would be held somewhere, for sure, someone would not be going. we had it last monday since some of us would be going somewhere: bl's going to batangas, while ros just left for a three week vacation at san fo. the point is we want to be complete as much as possible. we all had our own stories on how we went to nel's house. as for us, bl, miggy and i, we experienced first-hand the sudden at crappy rain. after getting off at gilmore station, it started to drizzle. we were even joking na baka maabutan pa kami ng ulan 'pag malapit na. when we were about to reach the corner of the street, rain suddenly fell. first big drops. then strong winds. it's good that we were on a covered auto-mechanic shop. pero pucha, yung ulan halos horizontal na that we have to take cover from the cars, as if we were on an action flick. parang nagbabarilan lang eh. it was all due to the strong wind. buti na lang, gio was already at nel's house coz he and nel picked us up. and they also have their own story. a few minutes after that, fel and lor arrived. then came rjude, phongks and dennis. fel, dennis, rjude and i went to the nearest market. and i have to apologize to dennis kasi all of a sudden, he became a chauffer. driver, in short. we bought some pork for the barbecue. however, we over-calculated it. then we drove back to nel's place - and everybody was already there. nel, bl, ros, lestra, miggy, rjude, gio, lor, phongks, dennis, fel, and me. while we were preparing the food, some were playing poker. some were watching a movie. but ros was doing her paper for her majors. after preparing the food, i was surprisded to know that bl was having his usual drama coz he "lost" his ring. then, everyone knew what to do - act na parang wala lang. minutes after that, we went to down to start barbecuing. the grill place caused my shoes to be muddy since it had rained earlier making the grassy landscape of the condominium muddy. but we had a dilemma. how were we going to start grilling when we don't have kerosene? bl thought of using gin as substitute for the gas while i had alcohol on mind. grabe, sabaw yun gin. instead of putting the charcoal on fire, pinatay lang niya. the alcohol helped a little bit by making a huge fire but not completely burning the coal. so, we were there for around two hours, cooking the two and a half kilo pork kasim, one and a half kilo of porkchop and two bags of hotdogs. yeah, i know, number good for masisibang tao. ehehe. it's good that some people visited us to help and also to watch. after the barbecue, we went up to make the caramelized onion (recipe thanks to my ate) and pomelo salad. as usual, fel and i prepared it. can we apply for hot guys who cook? ahaha. true enough, the food was too much for us. as for the menu, we had porkchop, pork (kasim) barbecue (which are not on stick and even chopped into squares), hotdogs, pomelo salad and caramelized onion. well, the dinner was filled with laughter and kasabawan. baka nga, yun yung nagpabusog sa amin eh. rjude kasi eh, who was making faces. faces that are reminiscent of the fishes on spongebob. to let the food go down, we played poker. 50 pesos buy-in. i'm not really good at playing coz i always lose to them. but dennis could be a worse player coz he bought for three times. ehehe. so there, that's our cookout/barbecue night.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i want to write a story this sembreak. i don't know what it is about but i just want to write. yun lang.

blabbing on the start of sembreak

this postgoes out to the people who would do nothing this sembreak. nagsimula na ang sembreak. yehey! but i still don't feel it. maybe it's because of me having too many final exams last week. i just wondered if my argument was even right. hmmm... ganito kasi yun, last week pa lang, which was the finals week, feel ko na sembreak na. i just didn't feel it, i acted like sembreak already - think of watching two films on the eve of a calculus exams. who is in the right state of mind would watch movie instead of reviewing the limits, derivatives, integrals (ahh, that just want to make me throw up)? studying for philo.anthro would be the most instense and studying for math.eco's the least. since i've been talking about my test, i just wanted to share what happened to my finals week. one word: sabaw. yun lang. i could say that the recent finals week was the worst - not because the tests were really difficult, but because of my attitude. i didn't bother not studying at all, like i was still on high school (when scanning notes would give you a sure 85% on exams). like i said earlier, i just watched two films. deathproof and juno. and maybe, it's because that i want to hang-out with mi padre. anyway, back to sembreak. my sembreak actually started when i had my first gulp of coors light that lor and phongkei gave me after my calculus test. i just realized that i could drink without any restraint. and the so-called "freedom" kicked in. tapos, kinabukasan gimik pa. what a great way to start nga naman. yesterday, we went to the fort and greenbelt to "ugs-ugs" (our term for dance and run). we just wanted to go out but we don't have any definite plan. so we first met at starbucks pearl drive. since bl was going to nic's place at the fort, we decided to go to the fort. after dropping him, we went to bonifacio high street. we first thought of going to mag:net, but since there was an entrance fee (coz' we're a sucker for free entrance), we decided not to. instead, we stayed for a while at krispy kreme. damn, they had opened the famous neon lights after we ordered. ehehe then, we headed to mint which played 70's music or ros's music(and era too). but after around ten songs, they changed it to our music. since we were looking for an "ugs-ugs" place, we decided to hop to greenbelt (boy, bar hopping na ako. ahaha!!!) but before that phongkei, bl and lor grabbed some coldies at ministop and also, ros and lestra left coz the former was asked to go home by her dad. then, we got lost at the dark yet amazing greenbelt5 but we got our way to greenbelt 3, the ugs-ugs land, where ice and bedspace are. but since there were no "dongs" ugs-ug-ing around, phongkei decided to look for some 'dongs' and luckily we did. we went to bedspace and ugs-ugs for 30 mins then left. haha. sabaw dance moves. glad that i remembered the moves gyl taught me. fun night, indeed. ehehe thanks for coming to the very well un-planned night. til the next ugs-ugs.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

i just feel like blogging today, instead of studying for the three exams that i have tom. what a bad habit. i know. good luck to me and to all who would be juicing their minds out for this sem's finals week.

of ending the sem with a party

i've been receiving invitation to the sem-ender party at embassy. i don't know if that has really something to do with the school. the party was organized by "UA&P's finest" - but who the hell are they? finest? hmm... but does the school even know that such group uses its name? or are they even recognized by the school - knowing that ua&p's kinda strict in using its name (specially in making statements)? or maybe, the seb calls itself as the "finest." or maybe not. ahahaha. and also, i don't like white party - that is so gay!

Friday, October 03, 2008

on my way home, i have been thinking of things that i'm planning to blog about. but as usual, when i got at the computer, i lost all of the words in my head. i remembered what was it about but i forgot the exact words. i just hope that there's this machine which can transcribe my thoughts. with that, i could "write" well.