Thursday, January 29, 2009

mga politiko nga naman.

politicians will never stop irritating you. one. they are trying to please by showing you their commercials of their "charity" work. as if it is not their obligation to help filipinos who are in need. as if we really owe them that much. which leads me to number two. two. in these commercials, they use their own name in financing the "charity" work. quoting: "dahil kay senador manoy villaringo, pinauwi ang mga..." talaga lang ah. what could be worse is that they might, i'm not saying they are (there may be chances, but who knows), be using our taxes in these infomercials. third. all this, boil down to the point that they are making pogi points for the upcoming elections. and as some would say, campaign would start after the day of losing. fourth. they try to liken themselves to us president barack obama. hay. he may have caused a change by becoming the first black president but he hasn't proved his worth yet. it's not that i don't believe in him. (to all politikos) please don't try to compare yourselves to him, the change that obama believed is not the same as your conceived change (of campaign strategy, or a worse way of getting money from the public, etc). please stop it. P. S. am i losing my trust on the politicians here in the philippines? i hope not. do i smell decadence? ehehe. oh pilipinas kong mahal. this time, i promise, that i wouldn't be apathetic and try to make a difference by making the right vote.



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