Thursday, March 05, 2009

open letter to that f-----' klepto

dear klepto, first of all, i just wanted to say go to fuckin' hell. second, why did you choose to steal, of all the people, my friend's laptop? i would care less if it were somebody else. but it's her. she's my ka-barkada, who's putting all of her efforts to excel in the course she's taking right now. i really have so many things to ask you, like why are you stealing things? what are you going to do with them? sell them? then what? i've heard some stories about you, and they say many things. i really wish i couldn't believe in what they're saying, but checking out your account, somehow, makes sense of what they're telling me. you've been put in a really good position coz you could afford to be in really good schools. but look at what you've done! you've wasted all of your parents' efforts. SHAME ON YOU!!! you're a total scum. your family must have all the means but how dare you steal laptops and destroy the trust in our school. i really want to beat you so bad 'til your eyes cry out blood. i even have thoughts of ending your life. lastly, i really want you to die in hell, burn in hell as the faggots of hell fuck you up. sincerely yours.


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