Wednesday, September 30, 2009

on ondoy

okay, ondoy has left already. the damage it has left us is really too much. because of the floods+mud, the whole metro's blanketed with dust and heaps of trashes. telling that it's not a sight to see is TRULY an understatement (or an understatement of an understatement.)

i'm glad that both public and private sector has mobilized. a few weeks ago, facebook was flooded with photo tags. but now, it is also flooded with initiatives coming from anyone lending their hands to help the victims of ondoy. twitter has been the means of the tweeple to communicate with relatives in and out of the country.

i just noticed that private efforts are more visible and felt than the government's action. it be really a gasgas already to speak of the government lacking the means and measures during this time of trouble. focus, help and proper recognition should be given to individuals who are willing to help. i just hope that this movement of ours would be felt too during elections since we realized now that we have so much to do with our country.

and that's all. let's pray for the families who lost their loved ones due to ondoy's onslaught and the nation's recovery.

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