Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ninoy celebration

you know what, no classes!!! madame gloria gave us the opportunity to celebrate!!! celebrate? really? it's Ninoy's death 22nd anniversary. my tone's kinda happy. how come? after cory asked her to resign. it's good that there are "no hard feelings" between the two. arrrggghhh... enough!!! i'm not really good in politics and i even don't have the right to continue what i'm saying. but guess what, this morning, finney, ben and i decided to again make another shortie. we're inspired by what we saw last friday; a project which doesn't deserve to be called a project. ok, i knew their effort but... i'm so rude and i dont know why. or maybe, it's the actors. yeah, yeah, yeah, we're just one or two step ahead of them but we are all amateurs. let them be our inspiration and the constructive criticism for our betterment. above all, i'm really happy. joyous for no reason at all. sleeping in the right side of the bed? well, maybe. finney has also his blog. why dont you check it out. www.sinobaitosinobaako.blogspot.com nice philosophies.


Blogger asleepinchalkoutlines said...

si arjay ay isa sa mga english proficient na tao na kilala ko....



galit gulay...

9:16 PM


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